10 events found.
State Ride
State ride, Bottineau ND, Peace garden trail
Special Meeting
Special meeting regarding groomer repairs and fundraising. 7pm, Garrison Golf Course
Vintage show and Ride, Bottineau
Bottineau County Vintage snowmobile show and ride, Noon, Meet at Dockside.
Vintage show and ride, Deering
Joel Lochthowe Memorial Vintage show and ride
Membership Meeting
Monthly Membership Meeting, 7pm, Tentatively at the Garrison Golf Course
SFS Fun Run
SFS Fun Run March 18th
Membership Meeting and Election –POSTPONED–
Monthly Membership Meeting, 7pm, Tentatively at the Garrison Golf Course
Membership Meeting and Election
Monthly membership meeting and election of officers and directors. 7pm Garrison golf course.
Annual Directors Meeting
Annual Meeting of the board of directors, Garrison golf course. 7pm