Grass Drags

Lansford, ND, United States

Oct 17th the Lansford Fire Dept. will be hosting a grass drag/Swap Meet open to sledt and 4-wheelers and possibly side by sides.

Membership Meeting

Monthly Membership Meeting 7pm at the Garrison Golf Course

Membership Meeting

Monthly Membership Meeting 7pm Max Southside

Membership Meeting

Monthly Membership Meeting 7pm, Brent's garage, 59 4th Ave NE, Garrison.


Due to the warm weather the races have been postponed to an undetermined later date in hopes of colder weather. Dakota 660 Ice Racers -ICE DRAGS- on Lake Vernon just South of Rice Lake on Hwy 23. (Postponed)


Membership Meeting

Monthly Membership Meeting 7pm Brents Garage

State Ride

State Snowmobile Ride, East Central Valley trail Association. (Fargo Area) Click link below for more info.